How To Get An EIN (Tax ID) Number In Oregon
An Oregon EIN number is essential if you want to start a business in the Beaver State. You need this number for all kinds of federal tax forms, including payroll, partnership, corporate, and excise returns. Additionally, banks often use this number to identify their commercial clients on new account paperwork and loan applications.
However, the federal employer identification number (EIN) is not the only number that you need. You may also need a state tax ID number. You will use that on state withholding, sales and use tax, state excise, and other state tax returns. Wondering how to get these critical numbers? Then, keep reading. This guide outlines the basics.
How To Apply For A Tax ID Number In Oregon
To apply for an EIN number Oregon business owners should prepare the required information and decide how they want to apply. Then, they just need to fill out the application online or on paper, submit it, and wait for their tax ID number. Once you receive your number, you can start using it right away.
Prepare The Required Information
To get an Oregon EIN number, you need the following details:
● Business name and address, including legal and trade names.
● Name and tax ID number of a responsible party who can make financial decisions for the business.
● Details about incorporation or forming a limited liability company (LLC).
● Estimates about number of employees and estimated first date of wages.
● The reason why you need an EIN number.
Keep in mind that Oregon business owners aren’t the only ones who need an EIN. You may also need an EIN if you administer a trust or estate that needs to file a federal tax return. Additionally, non-profits, retirement plans, government organizations, and several other types of entities may need this number. If you’re not sure, consult with an accountant or a business formation specialist.
Apply Online
Want your number today or by the next business day? Then, the best option is to apply online. To get an online EIN number Oregon residents just need the details above and a reliable internet connection.
Submit Your Application Via Mail
Do you have a few weeks to wait for your number? Then, you may want to apply through the mail. To do this, you need a paper copy of Form SS-4. Simply fill it out, pop it in an envelope, and mail it to the IRS. Then, you should receive your number in six to eight weeks.
Frequently Asked Questions
Have more questions about getting an EIN? Still unclear about the difference between an EIN and an Oregon tax ID? Then, check out the answers to the following.
A tax ID number or EIN helps tax entities match tax returns to your business. Every business needs its own state and federal tax IDS. When it comes to an EIN number Oregon businesses almost always need one.
The Secretary of State does not issue tax ID numbers in Oregon or any other state. Instead, you must get an Oregon tax ID number from the Oregon Employment Department or the Oregon Department of Revenue. However, you may need to contact the SOS for other formation activities.
An EIN and an Oregon tax ID number are both unique numbers that represent your business on tax forms, but they are not the same. An EIN is a federal tax number, while the other one is a state tax number.