As a church, the last thing you want to do is to get too far into the existence of the church, only to realize you are not set up properly or the lack of an employer identification number is holding you back. As you will come to find out, every church will absolutely need to obtain a Tax ID (EIN) number. Obtaining your Tax ID (EIN) Number as early as possible is of utmost importance.
What are some reasons you need a Tax ID (EIN) number for your church? The first and biggest reason is to be able to file a proper church tax return. If you have to do any type of payroll tax returns or payroll withholding, you also will need the Tax ID (EIN) number. Even basic actions as a church, such as opening a church bank account or obtaining local licenses, will require an employer identification number.
As a church organization, put the time in early to get your organization set up properly, and stay in good standing with the Internal Revenue Service. Obtaining the Tax ID (EIN) is a great first step down the path of running your church the right way.